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SACOB SC Business Communications
Communication is essential for your professional and personal success. Communication is not just the language you use; it is also the way you use your body or the way you use your voice. Different mediums of communication like texts and emails require different approaches. You need effective communication to get a job; get a promotion and to relay your thoughts and opinions effectively through communication. SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course. ... more
SACOB Short CoursesSouth African College of Business (SACOB)SACOB SC Business Communications
SACOB SC Conference & Events Management
This course provides practical guidance for individuals wanting to embark on a career in conference and events management, offering a step-by-step approach to planning and coordinating large events. SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course. ... more
Business ManagementSouth African College of Business (SACOB)SACOB SC Conference & Events Management
SACOB SC Practical Entrepreneurship
Being an entrepreneur is an exciting world to be in. You get to create a business and are able to see it grow as well as flourish before your very eyes. Every entrepreneur in the marketing arena needs to be creative, financially savvy as well as be someone who can lead a team.This course will serve as a guidance to entrepreneurship emphasizing both the theoretical and legal principles as well as the practical competencies that underlie the world of entrepreneurship, specifically in a South African context. It will aim to assist students in testing the viability of new business ideas, compiling a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture, and effectively applying goal-setting, networking and conflict management, in order to ensure entrepreneurial success. SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course.... more
EntrepreneurshipSouth African College of Business (SACOB)SACOB SC Practical Entrepreneurship