SACOB SC Human Resource Management


South Africa’s labour legislation is among the most progressive in the world, providing for institutions to settle disputes and ensure fairness in the workplace. The aim of this course is to develop in students a thorough understanding of labour legislation, human rights and labour practices in South Africa. Students will also be introduced to the human resource policies and procedures which include recruitment and selection, retention and performance management. Furthermore, students will gain insight into key business regulation elements such as career management, compensation management, and health and safety.

SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course.


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South Africa’s labour legislation is among the most progressive in the world, providing for institutions to settle disputes and ensure fairness in the workplace. The aim of this course is to help students gain a thorough understanding of labour legislation, human rights and labour practices in South Africa.


This is a SACOB Short Learning Programme or Short Course.


An introduction to human resource management
Recruiting potential employees
Selection and appointment of an employee
Placement and the induction or orientation process
Managing performance of employees
Compensation management
Health and safety in an organisation
Employment relations
Structures created by the LRA for collective bargaining and dispute resolution


Certificate of Completion of a SACOB Human Resource Management Short Course.


This Short Course can qualify you for an advantage in studying in the field of Human Resource management, and can make you eligible to take on more senior responsibilities in your current position.


This course is suited for anyone who is wanting to gain knowledge and understanding within the field. There are no specific entrance requirements.


10 weeks


Online Standard:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums


Self-assessment quizzes
Timed Quiz 1
Written assignment
Timed Quiz 2

What's next

You are now eligible to further your studies and sharpen your skills with more short courses or take it a level up and go for a professional body certification to build onto these vital skills.

Check them out here