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ICB Business Management & Financial Management Intermediate Level: Subject – Financial Statements
This course forms part of the Intermediate Level in the ICB Financial Accounting, ICB Public Sector Accounting, ICB Business Management and the Entrepreneurship Programme as well at the Advanced Level in the ICB Office Administration Programme. It includes a study of year-end procedures via trading, profit and loss accounts and the interpretation of basic financial statements through a series of ratios, calculations and recordings of depreciation, the disposal of depreciable assets in the journals and general ledger, disclosing the movements of non-current assets in the notes to the financial statements. The application of accounting concepts such as that of accrual, matching prudence, cost and consistency to a set of financial records, preparation of the income statement and balance sheets (with notes) for a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a Close Corporation and a limited company as well as the preparation of the statement of cash flow and applicable notes thereto for a limited company... more
AdministrationInstitute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)ICB Business Management & Financial Management Intermediate Level: Subject – Financial Statements
ICB Financial Accounting Intermediate Level: Subject – Cost and Management Accounting
This subject forms part of the ICB Financial Accounting, ICB Public Sector Accounting and the ICB Office Administration Programmes. It will enable a student to perform in a manufacturing environment, be able to complete basic management accounts, have a working knowledge of cost accounting, breakeven analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, advanced costing, budgeting and standard costing, financial management and business ethics. An understanding of cost and management accounting is essential for any bookkeeper, accountant or office manager.... more
Bookkeeping / AccountingInstitute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)ICB Financial Accounting Intermediate Level: Subject – Cost and Management Accounting
CIMA BA3 – Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
This subject forms part of the CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting programme. It introduces students to conceptual and regulatory frameworks, accounting systems, preparing accounting statements for single entities, and the necessary controls, for accounting systems. Students will be required to be aware of the format and content of published accounts but are not required to prepare them.... more
Bookkeeping / AccountingChartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)CIMA BA3 – Fundamentals of Financial Accounting