ICB Office Administration – Advanced Level


This qualification forms part of the Advanced level in the ICB Office Administration Programme. Good office managers need three attributes in particular. They must be well organised, be good communicators and have a particularly large dose of common sense. The role not only needs someone who has authority and is respected, but also the knack of persuasion for all those trifling little things that need doing but tend not to get done. In addition, a basic knowledge of accounts or budgets is an advantage as usually the role involves monitoring or authorising expenditure and invoices and keeping basic office expenses as low as possible.

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This qualification forms part of the Advanced level in the ICB Office Administration Programme. Good office managers need three attributes in particular. They must be well organised, be good communicators and have a particularly large dose of common sense. The role not only needs someone who has authority and is respected, but also the knack of persuasion for all those trifling little things that need doing but tend not to get done. In addition, a basic knowledge of accounts or budgets is an advantage as usually the role involves monitoring or authorising expenditure and invoices and keeping basic office expenses as low as possible.


Institute of Certified Bookkeepers as a Quality Assurance Partner of the QCTO.


NQF L6 (SAQA ID 35958) - National Diploma: Office Administration


Office Manager
Public Relations Manager
Administrative Manager


Successful completion of Intermediate Level ICB Office Administration


6-9 months.


ICB Business and Office Administration 3
ICB Financial Statements
ICB Management


This course is available via the Online Standard package. However, certain subjects are available for the comprehensive Online Premium package. Each Package includes the following:

Online Standard:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- A Mock Exam & Solutions

Online Premium:
- Textbooks
- Introduction Video
- Exam Info
- Q & A Platform
- Concept Videos
- Forums
- Exam Timetable
- Study Schedule
- Multiple Mock Exams & Solutions
- LIVE Webinars via Zoom
- Recording of the LIVE Webinars
- Quizzes
- Exam Walkthrough (Pre-recorded)


Portfolio of Evidence, including assignments and tests.

Final ICB Exam

What's next

You are now a fully qualified and certified Office manager, you can now apply at any company and be assured that your certification will ensure you a well deserved position.


ICB Calendar 2023