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SACOB SC Practical Entrepreneurship
Being an entrepreneur is an exciting world to be in. You get to create a business and are able to see it grow as well as flourish before your very eyes. Every entrepreneur in the marketing arena needs to be creative, financially savvy as well as be someone who can lead a team.This course will serve as a guidance to entrepreneurship emphasizing both the theoretical and legal principles as well as the practical competencies that underlie the world of entrepreneurship, specifically in a South African context. It will aim to assist students in testing the viability of new business ideas, compiling a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture, and effectively applying goal-setting, networking and conflict management, in order to ensure entrepreneurial success. SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course.... more
EntrepreneurshipSACOB South African College of Business - Short CoursesSACOB SC Practical Entrepreneurship
SACOB SC Management Accounting
This course is designed for finance and accounting professionals looking to refresh their knowledge and gain specific skills in the field of cost and management accounting. It’s also aimed at managers who want to improve their ability to make sound decisions based on financial insights, and business owners and entrepreneurs who need knowledge of costing techniques and systems. SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course. ... more
Bookkeeping / AccountingSACOB South African College of Business - Short CoursesSACOB SC Management Accounting
SACOB SC Payroll Practices
If you’re completely new to payroll or want to enhance your skill set, this short course offers the opportunity for you to gain an insight into the applicable statutory regulations and operational principles behind the processing of payroll practices. Furthermore, students will gain knowledge on how to prepare accounts-related payroll, computerize the payroll process, and complete tax returns. If you are wanting to start a career as Payroll Clerk or Payroll Administrator, this is the ideal course for you. SACOB Short Courses are not accredited and are intended to offer you knowledge and skills in a particular field and is a non-credit bearing short course. ... more
Bookkeeping / AccountingSACOB South African College of Business - Short CoursesSACOB SC Payroll Practices