A breath of fresh air

I would just like to say thank you to you for all your help and advise and patience over the last year it has been a breath of fresh air dealing with you and SACOB. Florence Crawford

eLearning Africa Conference: Day 2

This raised an interesting question around the role of the teacher in the 21st Century classroom. Is the teacher the tour guide or the tourist attraction itself? …

10 ways to ruin a course

Here are highlights from the seminar.

  • 1. Wrong participants

    No matter how good a course might be, if the students are not interested it is essentially worthless to them.
  • 2. Wrong course choice
    If the students do not recognise the relevance of the course or how it can benefit them, it will reflect in poor attendance, a lack of interest and possibly even below average grades…

SACOB leaves eLearning Africa 2013 feeling inspired

eLearning Africa 2013 is drawing to a close but what a conference it has been! We leave feeling inspired and excited to implement the many ideas we have had while here. Many providers, speakers and delegates from across the world came together for an important cause – improving education as a whole. It has been great to discuss the many innovative ideas eLearning brings and the amazing affects it has on Education. SACOB is proud to be apart of this!

Africans – Consumers of ICT

Africans might currently be consumers of ICT but the more we have exposure to information the more we will become producers of ICT – eLearning Africa 2013

SACOB’s eLearning Africa 2013 Blog

Don’t forget to check out SACOB’s eLearning Africa 2013 blog via BizCommunity – here you’ll find our take on the happenings at eLearning Africa 2013…click here to read more.

eLearning Africa: Day 1

We are also creating these fantastic tools that undoubtedly have the potential to enhance the learning experience, but do our potential technology-hungry learners actually have the digital competency to consume all this learning media that we are creating?…

Theme of eLearning Africa 2013

Overarching theme of eLearning Africa. Tradition. Change. Innovation. This is SACOB’s Traditional education, Modern delivery. #eLA13

Opening of eLearning Africa 2013

Today marked the start of the 2013 eLearning Africa Conference. After getting our stand set up and ready to go the exhibition kicked off and pre-workshops were held. Stay tuned to Bizcommunity for articles and posts we’ve written on our experience and view on the different presentations taking place at the eLearning Conference in Namibia.